You’ve been brainwashed!
We all have been. You were essentially on record mode for the first 11 years of life.
Your parents, peers and culture all felt the need to indoctrinate you, in the same way they were, so you could fit in and survive. The trouble is that some of that programming was not helpful.
The big question on many of my clients minds is how do I eliminate the repeating sabotaging patterns that create results that I don’t like, that are stopping me from taking my income to the next level, that are interfering with fulfillment in my personal and professional life?
How do I delete them permanently so that I can wake up productive, passionate and purposeful every single day?
I’m going to teach you the 3 steps you must know about eliminating sabotaging patterns permanently so you can have that career and life that you have always dreamed of but something has been getting in your way.
In 17 years of working with high performers from all over the world, I’ve discovered that deconstructing these unconscious saboteurs is what creates the massive breakthroughs, because these patterns literally create your reality. And they can be sneaky little devils that hide in plain sight.
You can see them in undesirable results, experiences and feelings that you have. You may even intellectually understand the cause, but you just don’t seem to be able to get all the way down to eliminate it by yourself. So these patterns hang out like little hoodlums kicking in your hopes and dreams and leeching the satisfaction out of your achievements.
Your causal personality – the part that creates 95% of your results is formed between age zero to 11 when you were essentially on record mode and had no filtering system. You internalized the beliefs that you were exposed to and stacked them in giant piles so the ones on the bottom became unconscious.
Your programs form in 3 ways:
- Coming from authority figures
- Through repetition
- Linked to a strong emotion
Like my client, Holly (not her real name), a corporate accountant who’s mom slapped her in the face for talking back when she was 9. She spent the next 3 decades in quiet mode. This pattern helped her avoid conflict and she got by ok, until she started her own business and needed to promote herself. Holly didn’t even realize she had the belief “Speaking up is dangerous”. Once we eliminated the pattern she could promote herself as an expert and business boomed.
These patterns are like weeds, you can not eliminate them by cutting off just what you see above the ground. You have to pull them out at the root and then fill that hole with beliefs that will create the results you desire
Many high achievers underneath the success, have patterns around not measuring up and not feeling good enough that drive them to push, push, push until they burn out, or damage important relationships, or just end up feeling trapped in a life that looks successful but feels empty.
Here’s a simple technique you can put into action today:
The fancy scientific name for this is self directed neuroplasticity. In normal speak this process allows you to:
Rewire your brain to work for you instead of against you:
- Find a negative pattern that you do automatically like overeating when stressed or getting uptight in traffic.
- Now relabel that behavior and the thoughts that come with it as an urge. It’s just an urge. It’s not you, not who you are.
- Create a pattern interrupt by simply taking your fingers and patting the back of your hand. This sends calming signals directly to the stress centers of the midbrain, bypassing the part that creates the urge.
- Imagine yourself running that pattern and concentrate on the feeling you get from doing it. Like see yourself gripping the steering wheel maybe a little steam coming out your ears. You will notice that the urge grows weaker and less urgent.
- Keep tapping for a few minutes until the urge passes.
By tapping the back of your hand your nervous system can process the deceptive messages that say the only solution to your problem is the bad behavior.
You can do this any time, anywhere. Get hot tempered in meetings? Tap your hand under the table until the urge to strangle your boss passes.
Don’t underestimate the power of this just because its simple.
Great, we’ve transformed the pattern, now let’s make it permanent.
Have you ever made a New Year’s resolution that didn’t last? You were probably relying on willpower to drive your behavior and override a deeper conflicting program, but your subconscious won that battle.
To lock in permanent change you have to mimic how your early patterns formed:
Coming from an authority figure (you can be your own authority or hire an expert)
Linked to a strong (this time positive) emotion
What could you accomplish if you were free from the limitations, blocks, and barriers that now hold you back?
The truth is you probably can’t identify and eliminate all these patterns on your own, if you could, you would have already done so. I invite you to reach out if you would like support for you or your team in transforming erroneous patterns that impact your results.
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LA's Foremost Success Coach
Tony Maree Torrey is a deeply experienced leader. A dynamic and sought after speaker and Success Coach.
For 18 years she has been an inspiration and guide to CEOs, celebrities and other top performers. Hired by clients from all over the world, she combines the power of traditional coaching and psychology with evidence-based, advanced modalities and smart business strategies so that high achievers can build on the success they’ve already created, activate their highest impact and expand personal fulfillment.
Her clients have generated multiple 7 figures, written best-selling books, fast-tracked or turned around businesses, landed TV and movie roles and launched professional speaking careers to name a few of their successes.
You are invited to connect with Tony Maree by clicking the button below.