“He who is best prepared can best serve his moment of inspiration.”
― Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
Inconvenient as this fact might be to a busy mind, the truth is that inner stillness is a pre-requisite for accessing your Innate Wisdom.
Many of us tend to believe the myth that we don’t have the time but the truth is we don’t take the time. The irony is the Push Mentality ends up being less efficient in the long run than taking the time to look within.
Most leaders today are out of equilibrium constantly caught up in the doing. Inner stillness is about cultivating your beingness which brings you back into balance. Ultimately this allows you to do far less and achieve much more because you will resonate with and attract high-quality individuals and opportunities into your sphere. I repeatedly see this happening for the individuals I work with.
Take Thomas, who was driving home to San Diego after doing a VIP Day with me in LA. On the spur of the moment, just 3 exits from home, he decided to stop and eat. His partner and plenty of food were waiting for him at home but he told me later it was like some kind of autopilot took over. He sat down at a little roadside Mexican restaurant, not typically a place he would choose, and moments later a fraternity brother, from his college clear across the country, walked in the door.
They hadn’t seen each other in 20 years. This friend had critical insights for Thomas that helped him make some big decisions in his business. It was Thomas’ Innate Wisdom that had him pull off where he did, just moments from reaching home. My clients consistently report these serendipities and you will too.
There are many ways to cultivate your inner stillness and I teach what I consider to be the most efficient and impactful options to my 1:1 and mastermind clients.
“But I don’t have time to meditate for hours a day”, I hear you say. Never fear, neuroscience has helped us discover more efficient and effective ways of settling in that won’t take massive chunks out of your busy schedule.
Here is an easy process you can employ to quickly step into the present moment. It works even if you only have a few minutes to spare:
1) Acknowledge FIVE things you see around you. Maybe it is a bird, maybe it is pencil, maybe it is a spot on the ceiling, however big or small, state out-loud or to yourself, 5 things you see.
2) Acknowledge FOUR things you can touch around you. Maybe this is your hair, hands, ground, grass, pillow, etc, whatever it may be, mentally list out the 4 things you can feel.
3) Acknowledge THREE things you hear. This needs to be external, do not focus on your thoughts; maybe you can hear a clock, a car, a dog park. or maybe you hear your tummy rumbling, internal noises that make external sounds can count, what is audible in the moment is what you list.
4) Acknowledge TWO things you can smell: This one might be hard if you are not in a stimulating environment, if you cannot automatically sniff something out, walk nearby to find a scent. Maybe you walk to your bathroom to smell soap or outside to smell anything in nature, or even could be as simple as leaning over and smelling a pillow on the couch, or a pencil. Whatever it may be, take in the smells around you.
5) Acknowledge ONE thing you can taste. What does the inside of your mouth taste like, gum, coffee, or the sandwich from lunch? Focus on your mouth as the last step and take in what you can taste.
These five steps are a way to ground yourself in the NOW! Take you out of your head and slow down the flood of automatic thoughts.
In Cognitive Behavioral Therapy it is believed that your thoughts are directly linked to how you feel and although we feel like we lose control of our thought processes, we have tools that can help us gain back a sense of control and lead to healthier thought patterns. In moments of anxiety or triggered trauma it is important to stay present focused to help find symptom relief. Hopefully this coping technique can help you or someone you know stay present, stay grounded, and stay healthy
When you pause to embrace self-compassion and open up space in your awareness for new insights you will start to move far and fast.
The invitation is to create results with more ease and less hustle.
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LA's Foremost Success Coach
Tony Maree Torrey is a deeply experienced leader. A dynamic and sought after speaker and Success Coach.
For 18 years she has been an inspiration and guide to CEOs, celebrities and other top performers. Hired by clients from all over the world, she combines the power of traditional coaching and psychology with evidence-based, advanced modalities and smart business strategies so that high achievers can build on the success they’ve already created, activate their highest impact and expand personal fulfillment.
Her clients have generated multiple 7 figures, written best-selling books, fast-tracked or turned around businesses, landed TV and movie roles and launched professional speaking careers to name a few of their successes.
You are invited to connect with Tony Maree by clicking the button below.