The modern world is an intense place to hang out, we are expected to process more data than ever before in history, be eternally accessible and respond quickly to our clients, teams, vendors, colleagues, the media, families, friends…
Finding efficient ways to take a beat, create contrast and build resiliency is a must for today’s leaders and influencers.
There are links between the 3 different types of stress:
- mental,
- emotional and
- physical
We display the same bio markers of overload regardless of its origin. Create relief in one of the above modes and it will bring you respite in the others.
Here are a few physical options that can bring you mental and emotional relief:
1) The Enhanced Shrug
Only got 30 seconds to shrug off your concerns? Then do it intentionally.
Take a deep breath in, raise your shoulders to your ears, clench your fists, tighten your glutes, legs and feet. Screw up your face and hold your breath. Hold this for as long as you can and then let it all release, exhale in a burst of air and let all those tight muscles soften. Do it 3 or 4 times and you will feel the tension melt away.
2) Cupped Hand Slapping
Cup your hand and then slap your body, the hand should create a kind of air pocket so it stimulates blood flow not bruises. Slap your limbs, your torso, your shoulders. This is a great pick me up. I used it recently on a late night road trip when, after a hectic day, I needed to keep my wits about me while driving.
3) Convert Anxiety into Excitement
Anxiety is merely excitement without breath. This is so simple but profound. Many of us have a history of trauma and a common ingrained response is to hold the breath robbing ourselves of the vital oxygen needed to for optimal performance.
The moment you hold your breath you step out of flow. It typically happens at the subconscious level but you can train yourself to become consciously aware when you are doing so. If you notice yourself holding, take a few minutes to imagine a sine wave with a ball riding along it – let your breath follow the path of the ball.

Exercise is obviously one of our best physical stress busters but what if we don’t have time to change in to exercise gear or drive to the gym or our inner resistance is just digging it’s heels in? Here are some user friendly options to get your blood pumping and increase your performance:
4) Seven Minute Workout App
Most popular workout app in 127 countries for a reason. Scientifically selected, body weight exercises you can do virtually anywhere, no real need to change into work out clothes. You really have no excuse not to exercise with these kinds or resources available.
5) Laughter Yoga
Turns out laughing is good for us – go figure. But you don’t need to sit and watch Seinfeld re-runs to get the benefits. It only takes 45-90 seconds to start releasing positive neurotransmitters when you laugh.
We laugh about 300 times a day as children but only 30 as adults.
10 minutes of full bellied laughter will give you the same physiological benefits of a runners high. Check it out here.
6) Vibration Board
Invented by Russian cosmonauts and used by professional sports teams, medical facilities and universities, whole body vibration boards are a super-efficient way to work out. It stimulates your muscles, blood-flow and immune system and much more. 15 minutes can boost your strength, fitness, bone density and flexibility as well as leaving you feeling both relaxed and invigorated. Add a little light free weight or stretching to the routine if you wish. Domestic WBVs range in price from $250 – $2K. Mine was around $1500 and worth every penny.
What’s your favorite?
Pick even just one of these suggestions, try it out for 30 days and see how your resiliency takes a major up-tick.
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LA's Foremost Success Coach
Tony Maree Torrey is a deeply experienced leader. A dynamic and sought after speaker and Success Coach.
For 18 years she has been an inspiration and guide to CEOs, celebrities and other top performers. Hired by clients from all over the world, she combines the power of traditional coaching and psychology with evidence-based, advanced modalities and smart business strategies so that high achievers can build on the success they’ve already created, activate their highest impact and expand personal fulfillment.
Her clients have generated multiple 7 figures, written best-selling books, fast-tracked or turned around businesses, landed TV and movie roles and launched professional speaking careers to name a few of their successes.
You are invited to connect with Tony Maree by clicking the button below.