You want to make it to the top of your game and “Survive Your Rise” but sometimes it seems like all you ever do is push boulders up mountains.
The burnout that comes from all that boulder pushing is now recognized as a legitimate medical disorder. It even has its own ICD-10 code. This is the system that’s used globally by doctors and health insurance companies to track health diagnoses.
Burnout can happen even to the best and brightest. A few years after launching the Huffington Post media empire, Arianna Huffington was so exhausted that she collapsed.
“I hit my head on my desk, broke my cheekbone, got four stitches on my right eye,” she disclosed. “I was very lucky I didn’t lose my eye.”
I had my own near miss when after months, years really, of extreme overload, I found myself speeding down the freeway on an urgent mission and had my first (and thankfully only) panic attack!
Right then I resolved to find out how to do life differently.
I didn’t know at the time that “brains of individuals suffering from burnout don’t just function differently — their very structure changes”, according to multiple integrative studies.
Many high-achievers run on the fumes of an earlier youthful vitality that no longer actually exists. This PUSH MENTALITY: forcing outcomes through effort has long term consequences.
How do you make sure you reign supreme rather than get chewed up and spit out by the competition, the demands of success and a constantly evolving environment?
That’s an inside job — I’m not talking navel gazing here, what I mean is that it’s critical to tap into your innate genius and guiding purpose. You need to make decisions and smart moves based on your knowing, and not on exhaustion, fear, greed, destructive habits or short-term gain.
Pushing hard year after year is risky. Perhaps you’ve seen others slide down the slippery slope of overwhelm or felt it’s sting yourself.
Perhaps you have watched people drive for success only to end up feeling empty and unfulfilled.
I personally like to illustrate the benefits of living life in what I call the Synergy Zone by lining them up with the risks of living from that not so happy Push Mentality:
Risks of the Push Mentality
- Overwhelm
- Burnout
- Feeling trapped
- Career plateaux
- Isolation
- Unhappy body
- Decision fatigue
- Hard earned money
- Relationship breakdown
- Destructive habits
- Lack of meaning
Benefits of the Synergy Zone
- Balance
- Energy
- Feeling in flow
- Career breakthroughs
- Connection
- Inspired action
- Fit & healthy body
- Prosperity
- Robust relationships
- Optimal rest and recovery
This is the great divide in human potential.
Which side do you want to be on?
1) Be Clear Why You Are Here:
I’ve heard many clients say they don’t know what they’re really here for. Some of them know their purpose but become so distracted by the day to day, ambitions and ego that their awareness fades.
At what price?
Science is confirming the benefits of having a purpose:
15% lower risk of death
27% lower risk of heart attack
2.4 times less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease
Increased ability to control glucose levels for diabetics
Reduction in inflammatory cell production
Increase in HDL, the good cholesterol
In one study participants who had written about their life purpose just prior to a high stress experience registered no stress but those who had written about the last movie they saw had a high stress response.
If you are unclear about your unique purpose I recommend you download my PATH TO PURPOSE WORKSHEET.
2) Eliminate Resistance:
Inner or outer opposition to your goals can be a symptom of unaddressed subconscious fears and doubts. Simply suppressing your fears does not work and can even increase them.
Just like when 2 people have a misunderstanding, they start out talking but eventually they’re shouting,,, Your inner fears can get loud if they go ignored and unaddressed.
When we set an intention, we focus our conscious attention on it. Meanwhile the subconscious churns on all the different ways things might change. It asks, “Do you really want EVERYTHING that comes with this decision?”
If you suppress concerns about the changes, the part of you that doesn’t feel safe can sabotage your progress.
When you set a big goal I suggest you write a list of all the resistant thoughts that come up. Then dispute the belief or make a plan for how you will address each concern.
Resistance is exhausting so learning how to manage it is key.
I encourage you to apply these 2 strategies and those boulders will transform into mere pebbles.
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LA's Foremost Success Coach
Tony Maree Torrey is a deeply experienced leader. A dynamic and sought after speaker and Success Coach.
For 18 years she has been an inspiration and guide to CEOs, celebrities and other top performers. Hired by clients from all over the world, she combines the power of traditional coaching and psychology with evidence-based, advanced modalities and smart business strategies so that high achievers can build on the success they’ve already created, activate their highest impact and expand personal fulfillment.
Her clients have generated multiple 7 figures, written best-selling books, fast-tracked or turned around businesses, landed TV and movie roles and launched professional speaking careers to name a few of their successes.
You are invited to connect with Tony Maree by clicking the button below.