Real World Results

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She goes beyond performance coaching, she uses a multiple modality approach to helping you get your mind right. And I think she’s really special. You are not going to meet many people who have the same level of understanding that she has.

She’s helped me so much I hired her to train my entire SMART Advisor Network on how to improve their mindset and performance.

There are a lot of ways to push forward in any environment. If you have the mental constitution to help you do so. And I think she can help you. She certainly helps me and I know she’s helped many members of my community to have that mental focus, that mental drive to get you what you really deserve.

On a scale of 1 to 10 her coaching is an eleven.


Matt Zagula

Founder, SMART Advisor Network, Weirton WV

When I first started working with Tony Maree, I was stuck. I was juggling a full-time job while trying to build my business, and the burnout was real. I knew I had the drive, but I didn’t have the clarity or the right mindset to scale without running myself into the ground.

Tony Maree helped me get clear on what actually mattered. She didn’t just help me grow my business—she helped me grow as a leader. Over the past five years, she’s been a mentor, a sounding board, and a great friend. She’s helped me navigate the mental side of leadership, build an incredible team, and step into the CEO role with confidence.

Today, my company has $1B AUM, multiple full-time employees, including C-suite executives Tony helped me vet. Looking back at where I started, the growth has been incredible, and I can honestly say I wouldn’t be here without her guidance.

If you want someone who truly understands business, leadership, and the mindset it takes to succeed, Tony Maree is the person you need in your corner.

Reed Goossens

Founding CEO, RSN Property Group, Los Angeles CA

When hiring Tony Maree you’re investing in yourself. It’s not an expense, it will come back to you in multiple ways.

Even though I’ve been in business for 39 years, my production always yoyo’ed. Since investing in coaching with Tony Maree I’ve consistently met my revenue goals while working less.


She’s had a massive impact on my personal and professional life.

I now realize that just in the same way professional athletes hire coaches for their entire career, I need to do that too. Tony Maree is my coach for life!

When I thought things would be winding down in my business and life as I age, life has become richer. more expansive and full of possibilities.


Paul Harris

Founder, Paul Harris Financial, Fort Meyers, FL

I had a complete physical, mental, emotional and business reset…

I was dealing with burnout and auto immune issues after 15 years of global traveling as a consultant to Fortune 100 leaders.

The results of our work together are undeniable. I’m more at peace, more emotionally intelligent and a more energetic leader.  

For me, it was a hell of a return on investment.

She helped me with my mental and emotional health as well as increased financial ROI. We came up with new income streams requiring less travel. My physical health got better and things are aligning in my life.

So if you’re thinking of working with her, just do it.


Thomas Mangum

Fortune 100 Leadership Consultant, San Diego CA

It completely changed my life. 

Something was holding me back from being able to scale my business. Tony Maree helped me unpack the talent set I have so I could better serve my clients.

I would get easily agitated and stressed by problems in the business and bring that stress home with me.

Now I am much less reactive.

I don’t bring my problems home anymore which my wife is ecstatic about.

Things are much smoother now. I got clear on my purpose and how to create a legacy that goes beyond my own family and on to building strong families everywhere.

I’ve had health benefits from working with her as well and I do plan on continuing.


William Avon

Founder, Will Avon Financial, Moorhead City NC

As a former marine and undercover cop, I had beliefs and patterns from those experiences that were negatively impacting my performance and eroding my peace of mind.

Colleagues who had worked with her, recommended hiring Tony Maree.

What I can tell you is:

You’ll be challenged.
You’ll find out things about yourself that you didn’t know and you’ll be able to reconfigure, release and transform what’s not working and increase what is.

You’ll discover who you really are and that’s when success happens!

I had the fastest rise to SVP in the history of the company.

Buck Adams

Senior Vice President, UBS Financial, Seattle WA

I was on the verge of a CEO meltdown. While I would never have admitted it, the truth is I was overworking myself, stressed out and the cracks were beginning to show. I’d gained weight, was exhausted and lacking passion for the work I once adored.
After doing my VIP Day, I felt a new lease on life. Self-care became high priority and I changed the way I was “doing life.” I’m losing weight, significantly less stressed and feeling passion again for my work and life.
I’ve had quantum leaps in my business all without the feeling that I need to drive so hard.
Kelly O'Neil

CEO, Author, Speaker, TV Host, Las Vegas NV

She’s had a massive impact on my role as a CEO, in connecting with my kids and navigating my highly competitive industry.

I was very left-brained which created barriers in my business and personal relationships.
We shifted this at the core.

Now it’s so much easier to connect with and relate to others which reflects in the team dynamics and the numbers. 

I absolutely recommend her work to any leader who wants to positively improve their company culture.

Bernard Hoste

CEO Tricolast Medical, Deinze Belgium

I have a new found calm and clarity. I’ve been able to make some very difficult business decisions easily.

My business was growing in a direction that I didn’t like but couldn’t get clear on what to do about it.

After working with Tony Maree, my business is now headed in a more profitable, impactful and fulfilling direction that is truly aligned with my purpose.

I’m taking time for travel and spend time with the people most important to me. Tony Maree helped me get to the heart of the matter and course correct.

Daniel Jordi

Founder, Leader's Bridge, Roggwil Switzerland

Even though I was having great success in my business, I knew there was something getting in the way of me taking things to the next level.

Tony Maree helped me uncover unconscious blocks that stemmed from years ago.
They were preventing me from stepping forward in bigger and bold ways in my business and it was limiting my impact.

She helped me tap into my genius and the parts of me that inspire and influence people.

I’m confidently taking bigger risks with no second-guessing or hesitation and it’s paying off. I’ve had a significant revenue uptick and am confident of leaving a more meaningful legacy.

She helped me and she will help you too.


Karen Fagan

CEO Karen Fagan International, Los Angeles CA

Working with Tony Maree was mind blowing! That’s the only way to describe it.

I now refer my clients to her.

I was having trouble with focus and it was impacting my business growth.

She took me down a path and helped me identify issues that had been standing in my way for years.

Now I have resources I can rely on to keep me in check even if I start to drift back to old habits.

We created a game plan for the expansion of my business and I’m really clear on how to proceed.

I’ve experienced improvements in my relationships and notable revenue growth.

This work has lasting impact.


Jeremy DeMerchant

CEO Permission to Sell, Ontario Canada

She changed my life and she’ll change yours too…

My career was stagnating.
After working with Tony Maree I found where to focus my energy, I gained momentum and landed 2 important roles.

Tony Maree helped me get to what was going on below the surface and change it at a core level.

A door has been opened to a new mental state that now I know I can create opportunities for myself and stay strong, despite the unpredictability of the entertainment industry.

Sharni Vinson

Actress, Los Angeles CA

I was feeling stressed about the direction of my career and in need of a mentor. Colleagues recommended I hire Tony Maree.

We went beyond the superficial markers of success and into a deep understanding of what’s important to me

She helped me take my career to the next level. An opportunity that meant much more money and status came up, I was sorely tempted but conflicted. I knew it would not really lead me to where I wanted to go.

Tony taught me to choose from my deeper knowing. I turned down the offer. Now I am in a role that I LOVE with even more rewards.
This work lights up your whole life, including your career.

Laurie Bankhead

Senior Director, Kaiser Permanente , San Francisco CA

My business went from struggling start-up to high 7 figures in 2 years working with Tony Maree.

I spent 4 months under a phenomenal amount of stress due to some circumstances in my life and my business was suffering. After working with Tony Maree I got completely freed from my stress and my business has since exploded.

Tony Maree has been my success coach since 2015. My VIP Days have been the most productive days that I have ever had and each one takes things to a new level!
The speed of results is mind boggling.

I have very much grown in my thinking as a person, got back to healthy habits and even lost weight.


Paul Mc Manus

CEO,The Million Dollar Producer, San Diego CA

It was worth every penny and more to travel from Canada to work with Tony Maree.

She helped me eliminate limiting beliefs about becoming a professional keynote speaker.

Shortly after returning home, I booked my first highly paid speaking gig. I found myself in the right place, at the right time, saying the right things and it all came together.

Additionally, she helped me transform and deepen personal relationships and heal old wounds.

I have a new sense of direction and optimism, and a more powerful sense of valuing who I am and what I can offer the world.

Lowry Olafson

Public Speaker, Musician, Edmonton Canada

If it weren’t for Tony Maree, I would not have launched my professional speaking career.

I had an “incurable” condition that made my hands shake uncontrollably. I believed that I would never be able to control a room when I couldn’t even control my own body.

I hired Tony Maree to eliminate this limiting belief, get clear on my positioning and gain speaking confidence. We completely eliminated the belief.

AND this Essential Tremor, that multiple specialists had told me was completely incurable, was reduced by 90%.

I launched my career with a TedEx talk. Now I’m hired to keynote on a regular basis by companies like Siemens and Merrill Lynch.


Susan Sandler

Keynote Speaker, Philadelphia PA

I noticed more positive change in one session than in 6 months of talk therapy.

I had been suffering from a high level of anxiety and writers block and was facing a critical deadline.
Tony Maree helped me eliminate the overwhelm I had been feeling and let me get into the zone of my writing.

I would not have been able to put this project together with such ease of mind if I hadn’t had Tony Maree to help guide me through the blocks in my creative process.

She helped me get very clear on my goals and my vision for my life and career. I can honestly say I have never been this productive and on target before.

Brian Williamson

Netflix , Los Angeles CA

In 2016 when I graduated from performing arts school, I was very anxious about my ability to succeed in my chosen profession. My Mom who is a client of Tony Maree’s bought me a 3-month coaching program.

At first, I felt a bit resistant given I had not personally chosen her, but as our VIP day progressed I got how powerful this work is.

We built up my resilience mindset which prepared me for the highly competitive entertainment industry. I’m extremely confident in auditions and as a result, unlike many of my peers, I am actually working as a professional performer and dance captain.

We eliminated a hair pulling habit that would have seriously impacted my ability to succeed as a dancer and actress.

Since becoming financially independent, I continue to hire Tony Maree and refer her clients. Our work together continues to pay dividends.

My brother also worked with Tony Maree and I saw massive changes in him as a person. I’m so grateful my mom insisted on these sessions.

Maissa Mayer

Stage Actress & Dance Captain, Los Angeles CA

I was on the Vice President track at Intel but I had a vision of leveraging my IT experience to transform healthcare administration. I discovered that transitioning to a new industry proved extremely difficult.

Tony Maree’s work gave me the tools to make what on the surface appeared to be counter intuitive changes but in truth, came from my deepest knowing.

She has been instrumental to my success in changing industries and critically selecting the environments and jobs which support my long term goals.

I am now doing the most meaningful work of my life and am fully aligned with my purpose.

Kristen Janes

Director of Genomic Strategy, Kaiser Permanente, San Francisco CA

I sought Tony Maree’s assistance to help me with my job search.

By the time I met with her, I’d been applying and interviewing for three months and frankly, I was getting discouraged!
While working with Tony, she emphasized moving beyond my perceived limitations. It helped! I walked into my session with her looking to manifest a specific position at a specific company.

Tony, on the other hand, was more interested in helping me to own the way I want to feel, the culture I wanted to work in and the possibilities that I could open up for my whole life purpose through my next job. Then we got my mindset straight. Her techniques worked. I met with her on a Monday and by the next week, I got a fantastic job offer!

Next up, I’ll work with her to manifest a terrific home and ideal partner!

Nhien Le

Senior Marketing Manager, Intercall , San Francisco CA

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