Do you struggle with Breaking Bad and claim good habits? Here are 3 research-supported ways to change a bad habit and stop it from eroding your results.
We often think of bad habits as confined to things like doing drugs, smoking or nail-biting but we can also have habits of procrastination, stereotyping, overreacting…or even not being able to drink tea without your pinky sticking out.
Have you ever promised yourself that today you WILL NOT: Procrastinate, drink beer, eat cake, watch TV, waste time on social media… only to eventually lose your resolve? Me too.
When I’m feeling guilty, I imagine making it to the Pearly Gates where St Peter will say:
“Tony Maree, I see on my clipboard, that in this lifetime you had the opportunity to:
- End world hunger
- Empower tens of thousands of leaders
- Make $30M and coach others to make even more
BUT instead you wasted precious time watching Netflix and eating potato chips:
With a clap of thunder, the gate slams shut and I break into a cold sweat.
The kind of sweat that can only be relieved by: TV and chips 😉
By some good fortune (actually other good habits of nutrition and exercise) the chips never went to my hips.
But, there have been many hours wasted on bad habits, instead of purpose-driven action.
Enjoy life’s pleasures for sure, but when it becomes an unproductive habit, we limit our personal power.
Smaller bank accounts
Less impact
Long term consequences
We know we “should” change but somehow it is SOOOO hard.
Why do you form bad habits?
Your brain is designed for efficiency, and anything it can put on auto-pilot, it will. Studies show it takes an average of 66 days for a person to develop a habit, but it could range anywhere from 20 – 260 depending on the person.
This “mechanism” can be used for good but most people, innocently create habits that don’t serve them:
Sneak a peek at Instagram as a “quick break” in the afternoon, suddenly half an hour goes by…
Did you know you get a dopamine reward for performing inconsequential tasks such as liking and commenting? Now you’re hooked and large chunks of time disappear.
Dr. Russell Poldrack of Stanford says:
“If you do something over and over, and dopamine is there when you’re doing it, that strengthens the habit even more. When you’re not doing those things, dopamine creates the craving to do it again.”
So what is a body to do?
Here are 3 research supported ways that I recommend to change a bad habit:
1. Out with the old, in with the new:
Replace a bady with a goody.
To break a bad habit, you need to fill the void by establishing a new habit.
To weaken the old habit’s grooves in your brain, you must create new grooves and strengthen those pathways with a new habit.
It is easier to do something new than to just stop.
2. Prepare your subconscious:
When you decide to replace your bad habit, plan for the new activity to prepare your subconscious for the change. Tell yourself, “I want to exercise instead of watching TV” as opposed to “I’m going to…”
“I’m going to…” actually fools your mind into thinking you have already done it because you imagine it happening and then the motivation evaporates. “I want to” creates what’s known as Dynamic Tension that stimulates desire.
Motivation is critical, so write yourself a loooong list as to why the change is important and keep it somewhere that you can see it regularly.
3. Change your language:
Instead of “I Can’t”, Say “I Don’t”
A University of Houston experiment discovered that where people could choose between a candy bar or a healthier granola bar, 61% of people who used “I can’t” choose the candy while only 36% of people who used “I don’t” chose it.
I.e. “I can’t eat candy.” was less motivating for change than “I don’t eat candy.”
Your words are powerful. What you utter tells your brain how to behave.
So say to yourself and others: “I don’t smoke, I don’t drink during the week, I don’t watch TV for more than an hour….”
Habits can work to your advantage. So if you want to create change, reach your goals and make it through those pearly gates, try the 3 above techniques to establish good habits and start enjoying great results.
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LA's Foremost Success Coach
Tony Maree Torrey is a deeply experienced leader. A dynamic and sought after speaker and Success Coach.
For 18 years she has been an inspiration and guide to CEOs, celebrities and other top performers. Hired by clients from all over the world, she combines the power of traditional coaching and psychology with evidence-based, advanced modalities and smart business strategies so that high achievers can build on the success they’ve already created, activate their highest impact and expand personal fulfillment.
Her clients have generated multiple 7 figures, written best-selling books, fast-tracked or turned around businesses, landed TV and movie roles and launched professional speaking careers to name a few of their successes.
You are invited to connect with Tony Maree by clicking the button below.